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7 jan 2011

When it rains in Paris

- It's raining cats and dogs...What to do -

This morning I motivated myself to go and see the Monet exhibition at the Grand Palais, near the Champs Elysees. As the exhibition is coming to its end and everybody seems to talk fondly of it, I really had no excuse to skip this cultural highpoint.

As I walk out of the metro station, it starts pouring rain...
Arriving at the entrance of the Grand Palais, with my broken umbrella in hand - I realise that I am not the only one wanting to see the last glimps of the seasons most talked about exhibition. As I face to wait outside of this beautiful architectual building for 3 hours in the most depressing rain since Audrey Hepburn looking for Cat in Breakfast at Tiffany's - I could not help but to lose my cultural appetite.

And even now, being home, looking online what I should have done...google tells me that when it rains in Paris, you are best of visiting a museum...How ironic

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